GEDCOM X A New Standard?


The GEDCOM X project is FamilySearch‘s offering to the community of a set of free and open specifications, libraries, and tools defining how genealogical data can be stored, shared, searched, and secured across all phases of the genealogical research process.

This is a new and exciting development in the genealogical community.  At present it is difficult to export and import a .gedcom file from one program to another without some data loss and errors, hopefully .gedcomx will be able to address these and other issues.

I will be excitedly following the project and hope to be able to contribute to it a little as well.


.gedcomx model

.gedcomx model

If you scroll about half way down this page there is more explanation of what the .gedcomx will cover.

The intent of GEDCOM X is to define a standard for modeling and exchanging the components of the research process that comprise the genealogical proof standard:

  • Search Reliable Sources
  • Cite Each Source
  • Analyze Sources, Information, and Evidence
  • Resolve Conflicts
  • Make a Soundly-Reasoned Conclusion


Unexpected Genealogy

This is a bonus blog post today.  It’s a coincidental thing which happened so it definitely wasn’t on my editorial calendar but I’m very happy to ditch the blog schedule when this happens!!

I went to the Fleece and Fibre Fair in Mt Pleasant (South Australia)

today to buy more lovely yarn and wool roving for my textile art.  I already have photographs of ancestor’s graves from the nearby Mt Torrens cemetery so I wasn’t thinking genealogy when I left home.


Mt Pleasant Soldiers Memorial Hall

Fleece & Fibre Fair

The merchants selling their lovely wares.

In a little side room off the main hall I found these honour rolls and soldiers’ photos.

Frank Henry Hicks

Frank Henry Hicks my first cousin once removed, who died on 10 October 1918, Israel.

There is more information about Frank on my family tree website.

Has this sort of unexpected genealogy happened to anyone else?  Please share your stories in the comments as we’d all like to hear about them.

Mt Pleasant District Honour Roll

Mt Pleasant District Honour Roll

The Great War - In the front line trenches

 In The Front Line Trenches


Mt Pleasant District Honour Roll

Those who paid the supreme sacrifice.

Man in Viking costume

And I couldn’t help but include a picture of this chap at the Fair in his terrific Viking get up!!

For my next post I’ll try and get back on schedule!! 🙂

Definitions of Genealogical Words

banns – a public notice or announcement, usually in church, of an intended marriage.word picture

beneficiary – someone that benefits from something. It is often the person designated to receive proceeds or benefits from a will.

BMD – birth, marriage, death records.

census – a count of the population, usually includes various statistics about the population.

centenarian – someone who lives to be at least 100 years old.

Christian names – the first and middle name given to a child at birth or baptism. Also called the given name.

citation – 1) a formal reference to a source of information. 2) an official summons to appear before a court.

cite – to quote an authority.

codicil – a supplement to a will.

decedent – the deceased person.

deed – a legal transfer of title.

descendant – originating from an ancestor.

descendant chart – a chart that lists all the descendants of an individual.

dowry – the money or property that a woman brings to a marriage.

executor – the person responsible for carrying out the terms of a will.

hundred – an administrative subdivision that existed in southern English counties prior to the 1974.  Also used in Australia.

intestate – a person who dies without making a valid will.

issue – a person’s children or offspring.

JP – Justice of the Peace.

nee – identifies a woman’s maiden name, from the French word for born.

posthumous – after death. Sometimes children are referred to as posthumous, which means the child was born after the father’s death.

probate – a copy of a legally valid will, usually held by a regional court.

relict – the surviving spouse in a marriage.

Soundex – a filing system used in old US censuses where the family name was filed by the sound it made. It was used to cross-reference similar sounding names such as Smith and Smythe.

testament – written instructions in a will as to the disposition of property and the body of the deceased.

testator – the person who made the will.

The 13th Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry

The 13th Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry is on in my home town of Adelaide in just over two weeks, the 28th to 31st of March.  I’ve booked the days I can attend and selected which talks I’d like to see as well.  They are:

Word Picture

Barbara Baker – Scottish Research Online

Stephen Young – Family Search Indexing

Noeline Kyle – Finding Women In The Records

Heidi Ing – Light Literature & Strawberry Fetes

Colleen Fitzpatrick – Forensic Genealogy

Sue Reid – Online Newspapers

Jan Gow – New Zealand BDMs

Noeline Kyle – Writing Your History

Mike Murray – 10 Top Tips For Finding UK Ancestors

Roger Kershaw – Getting The Most Out Of

Colleen Fitzpatrick – Curious Case Of James-Jake Smithers-Gray


I think this will keep me out of mischief for the three days!!  I’m really looking forward to meeting fellow bloggers and Genealogists For Families members too.