Sunrise (tv show) In Adelaide

Had a very nice morning at Elder Park in the city centre watching Sunrise the tv show being filmed. I saw Guy Sebastian sing three songs but I only saw Hugh Sheridan sing one. I love Guy and his voice is incredible and I was surprised with Hugh Sheridan because I hadn’t heard him sing and he has a really good voice and did very well live too.

Guy talked to the crowd before and after his songs and said he was loving being back in Adelaide and joked that is was ‘only for a minute’.

The regular Sunrise cast seemed as lovely and natural in real life as they are on air, chatting to the crowd and making time for photos with young and old alike.

I overheard Dorinda Hafner say to her daughter Nuala, I don’t want you to go! I’m blessed that my children still live in South Australia. It must be so much harder for parents whose children live in another state or a different country!! And celebrity parents and children wouldn’t get to see each other much at all. If I remember correctly Nuala hasn’t been back from London all that long either.

I’ll upload my video clips of Guy and Hugh too!

Make your own word search puzzle

Make your own word search puzzle

You can use this page to create your own word search puzzle with your own list of words. These puzzles are popular with different groups of people, especially teachers and students.

Please enter a set of words. When you are done, hit the “Make Puzzle” button to generate a word search puzzle. Once the puzzle is displayed, you can use the “Printable HTML” or “Printable PDF” buttons to get a clean page suitable for printing with your web browser.

I used this to make word searches for one of my students today. It is very good, it printed in large clear type with a good spread of words over the whole grid.

Family Worship Resources

Family Worship Resources

Family Worship Resources is a UK based, non-profit organisation providing songs and other resources to help all ages in the church worship together.

Christmas Resources
Check out our Christmas page. As well as details of our most popular song ever – “Peace Child”, also available are free drama scripts, and links to other Christmas resources.

I really enjoy their music, I’ve used a number of their songs in my own video and audio projects as well as playing and singing them in worship services. You can download their songs in mp3, backing track and the sheet music with guitar chords so it makes them very easy to learn and use 🙂 They’re also good for families to use at home, small study groups, home fellowships, Sunday School or Kid’s Church groups. If you don’t have any musicians you can sing along with the singers on the recording or use the backing track to sing along to.

I love groups who provide grass roots, down to earth resources which are usable and accessable by everyone.

Literacy & Numeracy Tutoring

I love the tutoring I’m doing. It started out with one student and now I have three! Their ages are 5, 9 and 11. It’s challenging to engage them and to give them work they can succeed at. Usually by the time parents engage a tutor the child has had quite a bit of time at school feeling like a failure so I try to give them tasks and games they can succeed at and still learn from.

I’m always scouring the Internet and shops for new resources. I often make my own though if I haven’t been able to find just what I need. It’s lots of fun 🙂

I’ve started recording my own audio books, I use the Hot Potatoes software to make quizzes, cloze, crosswords and match up exercises. The Learning Place from the Queensland Government has lots of free information which I’m using word lists etc.

Papers Past

Papers Past contains more than one million pages of digitised New Zealand newspapers and periodicals. The collection covers the years 1839 to 1932 and includes 52 publications from all regions of New Zealand.

I found this site while researching my great, great grandfather’s family the Boyds. His father was one of seven brothers born in Argyllshire, Scotland, 4 went to New Zealand, 2 came to Australia and the youngest we have yet to find out what he did.

Here’s story I found which is possibly refering to two of the 4 brothers Allan & John:

Allan Boyd was once out on his run when a boar met him, and Boyd got such a fright that instead of using his gun he climbed a cabbage tree near, leaving his gun leaning against the trunk. After settling himself, he tried to draw his gun up, but it went off and shot him. John MacCrae found him and carried him home, when John Boyd ran to Dunedin for a doctor.

I love that all these records are being digitised!!! The more access we have to history, public records, libraries, and the Internet the better!

My Great Great Grandparents

These are my great, great grandparents Alexander and Martha Mary Boyd (nee Heeps). This is the first photo I’ve ever seen of them!! I just got a book on cd of the Boyd family history which included this photo! I’m very excited and touched. Reading their stories is sometimes heartwarming and sometimes tragic, the families faced many losses and hardships.