Save Willison’s Farm Lot 50 Golden Grove Rd, Modbury, South Australia

I’ve been raising awareness of the possible sale and demolition of a house and property which has been in my family for many years.  It was owned by my cousins Bruce and Shirley Willison who inherited it from their grandmother Laura Bowhey.  Here is a post I wrote about it previously.

The Messenger Press have been very supportive of saving the property from sale.  Here are their previous stories.

Farm may be culled

Don’t Sell The Farm
This is the latest development which I’m very excited about!!

On Tuesday 8 March 2011 Councillor Todd Hacking will move a motion in Council rezoning Lot 50 from operational land to community land. This will mean that if Council ever want to sell it they will need to first go through an exhaustive community consultation process and jump through a number of legal hoops. The Messenger are keen to run a story and take a photo of people who have campaigned to save this land on Friday morning 4 March 2011 at 9am.

I’ll post the results and the photos and newspaper article as they come out.

The Lost Diggers – on ‘Sunday Night’ Channel 7 Tonight

Tonight on the Sunday Night program on channel seven they will be showing a large collection of World War One photographs which have just been found.

Ninety-five years ago, in a small French village a short march from the allied frontlines against the German army, a husband and wife team began a unique historical record of the First World War which has stayed hidden – until now.

All of the images are never-seen-before candid and often delightfully informal shots of Australian, British, American, Canadian and other allied soldiers enjoying time in the village, which was used during the war as a rest centre for soldiers who had recently survived the carnage of battles on the Somme and Flanders. 

You can view the photos on their website or on their Facebook page.  On the Facebook page you can leave comments with the photos and there is a contact email address to use if you think you know someone in one of the photos. 

I’m having a great time going through the photos this morning and I’ll be watching the show tonight.  I doubt that I will recognise any of my ancestors but it’s still exciting to watch.

Library Hack

What is Libraryhack?
Libraryhack is a mashup and apps competition with great prizes designed to encourage the creative and innovative re-use of library data and digital content.
The competition is being run by the National, State and Territory libraries of Australia and New Zealand. (NSLA)
For the Libraryhack competition, participating libraries are making some of their collections and data freely available for anyone to mash up, remix and repurpose and create something new!
There are 4 competition categories to encourage people from a range of communities (developers, artists, digital content creators, historians, researchers and members of the public) to participate.

Why is NSLA holding a competition?
As libraries digitise their collections and make these collections available online, they are keen to expose these collections to new audiences.
This competition gives National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) the opportunity to collaborate with new communities of users and encourage them to use library content and other freely available data in inventive ways for research, creative or personal use.
This competition aims to generate new content which may be added to NSLA heritage collections or to develop tools to help with the creation of new content in the future.

I’ve entered the ideas competition with a Genealogy Mashup idea.  It hasn’t been published on the LibraryHack website yet but when it is I’ll put up a link to it.  Here’s a definition if you’re thinking what on earth is a Mashup?

In Their Honour

I found this website whilst browsing today and thought others would like to see it too.

In Their Honour

In Their Honour is dedicated to the fine Australian service men and women who served in the Armed Forces from 1914 to 1949. Many of them sacrificed their lives for “King and country”. Thousands did not come home to their families and were buried in War Graves in cemeteries across Europe and the Middle East.
In Their Honour shows the burial or memorial location of all service men and women who fought for our freedom and paid the ultimate price.
In Their Honour is an invaluable resource for teachers, genealogists, researchers and family historians. Search by surname to locate the final resting place of our service men and women with information about the cemetery where they are commemorated. If you are planning a Battlefield Tour of Europe, the location of war cemeteries can be accessed via mobile phones and a native version will soon be available on the iPhone.
In Their Honour was developed by Tom Horn and Jacqui Kennedy with the assistance and kind permission of the Commonwealth War Graves Commision and The National Archives of Australia. The photographs are provided by the Australian War Memorial under Flickr Commons licence with the aim of extending this to other photographic collections as well as historical data of battles and troop movements.
This site was initialy developed as part of the Mashups Australia competition to open up access to government records. You can read about it or vote for this site for the People’s Choice award at our Mashups Australia Profile Page.
Geocoding of cemeteries is a work in progress, in the future we plan to support user contributions to correct errors and gaps. In the mean time, if you have a suggestion please let us know.

I found my great uncle on the site, Oscar Geoffrey Buring.

They don’t have locations of all cemeteries yet, I hope it comes soon.

Questions For Genealogy Bloggers

If you follow particular blog themes do you write the blog post earlier in the week and publish it on the day of the theme? eg. Treasure Chest Thursday or do you write it and publish it on the day?

I’d like to follow some blog themes however I’m finding the day of a theme I want to write on arrives and I either don’t have any ideas for that theme or I don’t have time on that day to write it.

Do you follow themes or memes at all?

Do you write about what interests you or what you think will interest others?

I look forward to reading your answers, thanks!!!