I’ve been raising awareness of the possible sale and demolition of a house and property which has been in my family for many years. It was owned by my cousins Bruce and Shirley Willison who inherited it from their grandmother Laura Bowhey. Here is a post I wrote about it previously.
The Messenger Press have been very supportive of saving the property from sale. Here are their previous stories.
Farm may be culled
On Tuesday 8 March 2011 Councillor Todd Hacking will move a motion in Council rezoning Lot 50 from operational land to community land. This will mean that if Council ever want to sell it they will need to first go through an exhaustive community consultation process and jump through a number of legal hoops. The Messenger are keen to run a story and take a photo of people who have campaigned to save this land on Friday morning 4 March 2011 at 9am.