Trove Tuesday

I hope this is a sign of things to come in 2013.  I found this newspaper clipping about the burial of Ferdinand Gustav Buring my 4x great Uncle.

Finding out about Ferdinand Gustav is helping me find out more about our Buring ancestors in Germany who have been a big brick wall in my research.  It’s gradually coming down now though, piece by piece.

[trove newspaper=88636818]

Dropsy is the reason given for Ferdinand’s death but without further details it is unknown whether this was a heart condition or something else.  I’m hoping to get a photo of his headstone, if he had one.


Probate Notice for Ferdinand Gustav Buring

Probate Notice for Ferdinand Gustav Buring

The Argus  Tuesday 10 August 1880, page 8  Trove


Accentuate The Positive Geneameme

This meme is courtesy of Geniaus.

1.  An elusive ancestor I found out more about was James Heeps.  When I visited Elmore, Victoria, Australia in January this year I was given two books which gave details of his business and family life in Elmore.  I was also able to identify the grave of James and his wife Tamar at the Elmore cemetery from the records held at the Elmore Museum.


 Grave of James and Tamar Heeps

Grave of James and Tamar Heeps


2.  A precious family photo I found was a postcard sent to me from my cousin Betsy.  It is a picture of my Grandma when she was a little girl.

Eleanor Bette Buring


3.  An ancestor’s grave I found was – see number one.


4.  An important vital record I found was my 2x great grandfather, Heinrich Franz Rudolph Buring’s, christening record.


Heinrich Franz Rudolph Buring Christening

Heinrich Franz Rudolph Buring Christening


5.  A newly found family member, Michael, is sharing precious photos with me.  Here is a photo of my 3x great grandmother Tamar Heeps.  She is someone I’ve felt close to as I research her life but I never expected to see a photo of her.  There were a few tears shed when I received this photo.


Tamar Heeps nee Bodger

Tamar Heeps nee Bodger

Here is the post I wrote about Michael contacting me.


6.  A geneasurprise I received was – see number five.


7.   My 2012 blog post that I was particularly proud of was of my 2x great grandfather who I mentioned in question 4.


8.   My 2012 blog post that received a large number of hits or comments – don’t know


9.  A new piece of software I’m mastering is PHPGedView.  I like having my own website and I’m getting to know all the ins and outs of PHPGedView.


10. A social media tool I enjoy using for genealogy is Google Plus.


11. A genealogy conference from which I learnt something new was the 2012 Congress here in Adelaide, South Australia.


12. I am proud of the presentation I gave to the Olive Grove group at Croydon United Church.


13. A journal/magazine article I had published  – none

14. I taught a friend how to take a screenshot of a web page and save it as a .jpg or .png file.


15. A genealogy book that taught me something new was – Forensic Genealogy by Colleen Fitzpatrick.


16. A great repository/archive/library I visited – I didn’t get to any new libraries this year but in January next year I am going to Canberra, Australia for two weeks and will be spending a lot of time at the National Library and the Archives too.


17. A new genealogy/history book I enjoyed was Inside History magazine.


18. It was exciting to finally meet  Jill Ball aka Geniaus (who started this meme), Judy Webster, Alona Tester and many others at the Genealogy Congress.


19. A geneadventure I enjoyed was visiting Maryborough, Majorca, and McCallum’s Creek in Victoria, Australia and seeing where my ancestors lived and worked in the  gold mines.

McCallums Creek, Victoria, Australia

McCallums Creek, Victoria, Australia


20. Another positive I would like to share is the camaraderie I feel with other family history researchers and the love and support they showed me when my grandson, Josiah, was sick.  Thank you all so much.  He’s much better now, his kidneys are no longer inflamed and the blockage is cleared so at this stage he doesn’t require surgery and goes back for another checkup in March 2013.



Who Is Helping Whom?

I find it interesting the variety of people who contact me about my family tree and in helping them I gain new information for my family research and a new perspective on who these ancestors are.  I have been contacted lately by;

  • Sports historians
  • Friends of my relatives
  • People looking for living family members
  • A group researching the street they live in and who lived there previously
  • A person researching an old photograph of a pub

What I Found Out

Townson Bros
There were four publicans in the Townson family – James, the father, and three of his sons Robert, Francis and Christopher.  Going by the 1901 English census the brothers did well for themselves, each working as a publican and employing at least one servant, at home, and sometimes a nurse also.  This was a pleasant surprise for me and a change from the norm.

Loma Street, Cottesloe – The Goodalls
This Facebook page, Loma Street,  has been created about the street and its inhabitants.  William Charles and Margaret Annie Goodall lived in Loma Street, Cottesloe a suburb of Perth, Western Australia circa 1907 to 1914. A number of their children were born there.  William was a brass founder and iron moulder.

Birth notice for B Goodall

Pearlers in Broome
I knew absolutely nothing about the pearling industry in Australia until I was asked about John Bertie Miller.  John was a pearler in Broome, Western Australia.   John, like many other pearlers, enlisted in the AIF in 1915.

By 1910, nearly 400 pearling luggers and more than 3500 people were fishing for shell in waters around Broome, making it the world’s largest pearling centre.

Just what is ‘pearling,’ exactly? Pearling is simply the act of diving for pearls. But pearling has a special meaning for Broome, particularly given Broome’s pearling history.

As with all industries, pearling became much more sophisticated and modernised around 1881, when various ships arrived at Roebuck Bay with never-before-seen equipment for the pearl divers.

World War I changed everything. When war was declared, hundreds of pearl divers hurried to enlist, shedding their pearling careers quickly. This had a huge impact on Broome’s pearling industry and with economic strife brought on by the war, mother of pearl was no longer in high demand.


I wouldn’t mind reading this book, The White Divers of Broome  “twelve British Royal Navy-trained divers and their tenders were sent to Broome, urged by a Federal Government deep in the grip of the ‘White Australia Policy’ and anxious to rid the country of the last remaining Asian ‘taint’. Their task was to master the perilous art of pearl shell diving, and overcome the Asian stranglehold on the pearling industry, proving once and for all the supremacy of the white man over the coloured.”   It sounds both horrific and interesting at the same time.


Wedding picture of John Bertie Miller and Mabel Ruck

 John Bertie Miller and Mabel Ruck

Obituary for John Bertie Miller

Obituary for John Bertie Miller

My Grandson


Josiah Sammuel David Lockwood-Killen

This is the reason I’ve been offline lately.  Josiah was born on 11 October 2012, weighing 7lb 12oz.


He’s a very placid baby and fairly easy to get into a routine.

Josiah has problems with his kidneys and has been back to hospital three times since birth.  He’ll be having exploratory surgery in a few weeks to determine the extent of the problem.

Cuddles with Grandma (me)

I haven’t done any genealogical research and have to catch up on replying to people who have contacted me.  I probably won’t be blogging much either until after the surgery.

Jess and Josiah

Mummy (Jessica) and Josiah

My amazing daughter Jessica is doing a wonderful job taking care of her boy!  If you pray, please pray for Josiah and Jessica. Thanks 🙂