1. Tell us about your favourite social media tool and why you like it.
My favourite social media tool for genealogy is Google Plus because I’m able to separate my interests into ‘circles’ and share specific information with each circle.
2. How do you use social media to further your genealogy career or business?
I try to share as much interesting genealogy stuff as I can find. I also use it to read and learn from what others are sharing and talking about.
3. What advice would you give the cruiser who said “I must be living
under a rock” and is not sure about coming out from under it? (This came from my Social Media presentation)
My advice is to take a computer course suited to their needs or work one on one with someone who can give them a gentle introduction to social media and how it can help them with their genealogy.
4. What aspect of Social Media makes you grit your teeth?
5. How does social media assist with your CGD (continuing genealogical development)?
As I said in number two – learning!! Keeping up to date with trends, software, websites, societies, tips etc.
6. How do you fit social media time into your busy day?
I try and remember to check social media each morning after I’ve checked my email and throughout the day if I want a break from research.
7. Do you have a story of how social media enabled you to connect with a long lost relation or fellow researcher?
A cousin in Victoria who isn’t computer literate had a go at searching the Internet and found my blog. Not having an email account he contacted me by phone, via the group I volunteer with which was listed on my blog.
8. You have a minute to share a piece of advice about genealogy and social media. Go for it.
Join Facebook and Twitter, connect your blog to these accounts so that it automatically posts to them. On Facebook send friend requests to all the rellies you can find. I have several younger cousins who read my blog because of this. Let your family know that you’re on Twitter too. I also share my blog posts on Google Plus with my genealogy circle as well as with my family and the Google Plus public.