62 Projects To Make With A Dead Computer

Finally got my copy of this book yesterday, have only browsed through it a little but absolutely loved this quote-

Nothing quite says ‘sexy’ like keyboard keys. That is, if your idea of sexy is the ability to type 120 wpm, pwn at WoW, and set up an effective firewall in XP. If it is, then this little fashion accessory will greatly aid in fluffing your Linux-loving penguin feathers and attracting the ideal mate. All you need to do is to secure the QWER-Tie ponytail holder in your hair, go to an MMORPG meet up, and chase after the first dork that backs away from you.

Will post about any projects I make from the book.

62 Projects To Make With A Dead Computer – and Other Recycling

Not only do I think this book will be useful for my final project for college this year but I’m sure I will also make a lot of the other projects in it too. Will be ordering a copy soon.

Do others recycle? Do you use recycled gear in your art or craft? Do you buy from op shops? I’m not great at recycling all my household waste but I’m improving. I do work hard to use what I’ve already got or what is around me outside in my art projects though. I also like to mix some new bought fabric or yarn with Mum’s or Grandma’s scraps or things I’ve been given. Because my friends know I re-use they’re always giving me things!!! It’s great!! At the moment I’m using rings from the top of plastic drink bottles in a crochet wall hanging.

Adelaide Hackerspace

Photos of today’s get together

In January 2010 we started a Hackerspace in Adelaide. Over 30 people with a diverse and exciting range of skills and interests are involved.

We are having semi-regular meetings to discuss the organisation and to actually hack. At present we are sharing a space with Format Collective which is working out very well. Anyone interested please join the mailing list and come along to a meeting.

You don’t have to be a hardware or software guru to come along. I’m working on a crochet project involving recycled hardware and hopefully LEDs.

What is a HackerSpace

To join the mailing list and see what we’ve been up to:

Going Travelling

I’m going on a holiday to Bendigo and to Grampians Texture in Halls Gap. I’m driving by myself and will be taking it in stages.

Adelaide to Bordertown and stay overnight there.

Next day on to Bendigo, Victoria. Many of my ancestors lived in the area especially during the gold rush days so I’ll be doing lots of family history research.

This is where I’m staying, Buzza’s Bendigo Backpackers

I want to see the Golden Dragon Museum because I’ve been told it has a great display of Chinese textiles.

5 nights in Bendigo then on to Halls Gap!

This is where I’m staying in Halls Gap, Tim’s Place

I’m doing a two day crochet workshop with Abi Thompson.

Then back to Bordertown, stay overnight and back to Adelaide next day.

I’m really looking forward to all these things. I am a bit anxious about the driving and just the unknown quantities of travelling, so if you pray, please pray for me that I can be more calm and relaxed during this holiday.