Don Willison Newspaper Article – Genealogy

I found this newspaper article about my cousin Don Willison who was a speedway racer. This is a great find but I’m also looking for information about his death. My cousin Anne told me that he died in a crash, he was only 47. The information I have was that he lived in South Australia, died in Alice Springs and was cremated at Centennial Park in Adelaide, Sth Aust.

The hunt continues!

Follow Up To Centrelink Issues

I’m now studying full time and applying for Austudy which means I’m doing Cert II and Cert III in Textile Arts now and I’m still able to do some part time work and voluntary work for Teen Challenge!!!!

I’m happy with the balance of study and work. I don’t think it’s too much of a load and I’m continuing to be careful how much, and what I take on. No matter how great it sounds or what can be achieved from it!

The AIF Project

I’m learning a lot as I’m researching my family. John Boyd was killed in WW! at Villers-Bretonneux France. It’s only been a place name before. It didn’t mean that much to me personally except a place where many people died and were buried but it’s more personal now.

John Boyd

The AIF project is a good, although often sad, place to find family information because there’s often more than just military related information there. In this case I found out John’s place of birth.