What Kind of Genealogist Are You?

I came across this fun blog post, What Kind of Genealogist Are You?,  today on Facebook via Gould Genealogy.

My husband and I are very different genealogists. I love research. I love the challenge of the hunt, the mystery waiting to be solved. I’ll research anyone’s ancestry just to have the thrill of following the clues. I just love solving the puzzle. Of course I also love finding my own ancestors! by Lorine McGinnis Schultz

Lorine writes about several types of genealogist, I think I am a Hunter/Detective and a bit of an Analyser too.  I would like to be more of a Planner and completing the University of Tasmania’s Introduction to Family History has certainly helped me and pointed me in the right direction.


Read Lorine’s blog post and choose what kind of genealogist you are.

Credit: Image is from Pixabay with License: CC0 Public Domain

Gustav Ferdinand Buring

It was only because I noticed a Mr G. Buring listed on the passenger list, at the South Australian Maritime Museum, for the Princess Louise that I found my 3x great uncle Gustav Ferdinand Buring. He wasn’t listed on any other passenger lists that I had found. In finding Gustav I was then able to find his parents and make the connection back to the family in Germany.

Passenger List for the Princess Louise

Passenger List for the Princess Louise

I was recently contact by Ian from Bendigo Graves to find out if the Gustave Buring buried in the Raywood Cemetery, Victoria was one of my ancestors.  When I confirmed that Gustav is my 3x great uncle, Ian asked if I could write a short piece about him.  This is what I wrote;

Gustav Ferdinand Buring

b 9 Jul 1824

Berlin, Prussia

Gustav Ferdinand Buring was born on 9 July 1824, to Charlotte Klauser and Johann Andreas Buring/Biering and was baptised on 05 Aug 1824 • Sankt Georgen, Berlin Stadt, Brandenburg, Prussia1.

In 1849 as part of the South Australian Colonisation Society Gustav, with his brother Friedrich Adolph Buring and his family, left Hamburg on the Princess Louise bound for South Australia2.



There is no record or indication that Gustav ever married.

I have been unable to ascertain exactly when Gustav went to the Victorian gold fields from South Australia. Gustav’s brother Friedrich went also however Friedrich returned to South Australia when he became ill and died in South Australia on 3 Dec 18563 at 40 years old.

Gustav Ferdinand Buring death notice

Gustav died in 1880 in Raywood, Victoria, Australia.

Gustav is the uncle of Theodor Gustav Hermann Buring of H. Buring and Sobels Quelltaler Winery and great uncle of Hermann Paul Leopold Buring better known as Leo Buring. http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/buring-hermann-paul-leopold-leo-3333

1Ancestry.com. Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.

2South Australian Maritime Museum passenger list database

3Ancestry.com. Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010.

Saving Trove Articles

Saving Trove Articles

When I have found a result in the Trove digitised newspapers which I need to keep this is what I do:

  • Zoom in on the section of the newspaper that I want to keep.  In this case it is a notice about Heinrich Rubeni my 3x great grandfather.


  • Position the text under the name of the newspaper and the date it was published, as in above picture.
  • Take a screenshot of the page.  You can use the Print Screen key on the keyboard, a snipping tool or a graphics editing program.  Edit the screenshot in a graphics program and select just the newspaper text you require, the name of the newspaper and the date it was published.  Crop the picture to the selection.


  • Before uploading the picture to my Ancestry.com.au family tree I copy the Harvard/Australian citation from Trove so that I have the correct source for the information and I can find it on Trove again if I need to.



  • and paste it into the event description box.


How To Download Your Family Tree From Ancestry.com


This is the pedigree view of my family tree.


Near the top left hand corner of the screen next to the name of my tree, ‘Willison Family Tree’ is a menu titled Tree Pages.  Click on Tree Pages and then click Tree Settings.


Near the bottom right hand corner of the screen it says, “Export your family tree data, as a GEDCOM file, to your computer.”  Click on the green button Export Tree.  Depending on the size of your tree this may happen quickly or it might take a little while.  It’s a good opportunity to make another cup of tea.


When it has finished you will see the above screen and the green button has changed.  It now says Download your GEDCOM file.  A GEDCOM file is a standard file for family tree software programs.  If you have a family tree software program installed on your computer you can use it to open your GEDCOM file.  Even if you don’t have a family tree software program on your computer it is still a very good idea to keep a copy of your family tree on your own computer as a back up.  I’ve spent years creating my tree on Ancestry.com and I would be devastated if I lost it.  Please be aware that this process does not download the photographs or stories you have uploaded to Ancestry.

When you click Download your GEDCOM file, make sure you know where it is being downloaded to on your computer.


I’ve been having fun working on a number of projects lately.  Family history research, designing two websites, making an e-textiles wall hanging and learning to draft a pattern for a skirt for myself and making the skirt too.

This is the website I’ve designed for Deja Vu Beach Cafe, my cousin’s new cafe which opened yesterday in Christies Beach, South Australia.  I will also be making her restaurant website too, The Vault Food and Wine, that’s this week’s job.

A couple of months ago I was asked to research a piano which I thought sounded like an interesting thing to do and it was.  The family wanted to know if their ancestors had brought it with them from England to Australia as that was the story which was passed down.


Ernest Gabler was a well known piano manufacturer in New York so there is a lot of information available about him and his brother who was also a piano manufacturer.  From the serial number on the piano’s frame I was able to find out that the piano was manufactured in 1882.  The family in question came to South Australia from England in 1884.  Gabler pianos were being exported to England and also to Australia and South Australia in particular at this time.

Unfortunately I was unable to determine whether the family brought the piano with them to South Australia on the S.S. Port Jackson or purchased it in South Australia as there is no remaining ship’s manifest listing the ship’s cargo that I could find.