Genies Down Under

Maria Northcote has started a new genealogy podcast called Genies Down Under.  So far there are two episodes on her website to download and listen to on your computer or mp3 player or you can also listen to the podcasts directly from her website.

Maria speaks very clearly and also spells out names and website addresses which make her podcasts accessible to people with a hearing impairment.

The podcasts are chock full of information so I suggest you have a notebook and pen handy or type your notes as you are listening.  Topics covered so far are Cemetery Stuff for Genies and Free Stuff For Genies.

Here’s the podcast description:

By listening to this podcast, you’ll save yourself time and money, gather up some handy advice and get some help to make headway in finding out about your own family’s interesting past. And one more important thing … rather than just collecting names and dates during your family history research, this podcast will focus on some nifty little techniques that can help you to get to know your ancestors a little better, by reading between the lines of old documents and looking beyond the faces in old photographs.

I really enjoy how Maria introduces a topic, speaks about it and then summarises it before going on to another topic.  All the things she speaks about are clear and concise, no umming and arring and no rambling on either!!

Another thing I noted about the podcast is that Maria promotes using creative commons licenses on materials people are producing as well as genealogists using resources which have a creative commons license. I’m really glad that more people are promoting the use of creative commons licenses and licensed materials. I use a creative commons license on my teaching notes, blog posts, etc so that others can use and share these resources.  I think the more we can share the better!!  See my blog side bar  <—————

I’m looking forward to next month’s podcast already  🙂

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