Wow what a day! I’ve found two properties which used to be owned by members of my family. The first one was known as Willison Stud and was owned by my cousin Bruce Willison. Lot 50 Golden Grove Rd, Modbury Heights (Adelaide). This property is now owned by the Tea Tree Gully council and it’s possible it will be demolished. The Tea Tree Gully Historical Society have written to the council asking that it be preserved as a community space. I’ll be contacting the Historical Society on Monday to find out some more details.
The other property I found was Bruce’s family home, I’m assuming where he grew up. It’s called Drumminor and was built by Robert Milne. It was owned by Bruce’s parents Andrew and Olva Willison from 1937 to 1962. It is situated on Jack High Lane off Golden Grove Rd (it’s now Harrison’s Funeral Chapel)
I did my research at the Tea Tree Gully library. They are very helpful and have a great local and family history section and unlike some other libraries their resources are in the main part of the library for all to see and access. Some libraries you have to be supervised at all times which is a bit of a pain if there isn’t a family history worker on duty that day.
Hi Kylie,
Demolished, aargh – it's still a beautiful home!
Good "luck" with the council.
Thanks Jillian I'm sure we're going to need it 🙂
The house has a new roof, it's stone, I didn't see any signs of salt damp from the outside so I don't know what is 'unsound' about it. It's boarded up and has a high fence around it. I didn't see any graffiti either which is really good!