UnoStationMap July 15, 2013kira0030 Map Showing Uno Station Homestead, Uno Range, Lake Gilles and the start of the Gawler Ranges
Chris GweeMarch 15, 2016 at 11:03 amPermalink Don’t know if this is of relevance but my grandparents owned the Uno station in the thirties. His name was Howard Payne. We wondered if the homestead was still standing Reply
adminPost authorMarch 15, 2016 at 11:24 amPermalink Hi Chris I don’t know if the homestead is still standing I haven’t been back since 1989. I should think it would be, it was a lovely house. Kylie Reply
Don’t know if this is of relevance but my grandparents owned the Uno station in the thirties. His name was Howard Payne. We wondered if the homestead was still standing
Hi Chris
I don’t know if the homestead is still standing I haven’t been back since 1989. I should think it would be, it was a lovely house.