If you follow particular blog themes do you write the blog post earlier in the week and publish it on the day of the theme? eg. Treasure Chest Thursday or do you write it and publish it on the day?
I’d like to follow some blog themes however I’m finding the day of a theme I want to write on arrives and I either don’t have any ideas for that theme or I don’t have time on that day to write it.
Do you follow themes or memes at all?
Do you write about what interests you or what you think will interest others?
I look forward to reading your answers, thanks!!!
I sometimes follow blog themes but never do a terribly good job of keeping up with it. When I do, I usually write the posts in advance and schedule them to appear on the right day. I'm not following any at the moment.
I write about whatever happens to interest me at the time. My main reason for writing a blog is that I want to practice writing. It also motivates me to stay (somewhat) focussed. While I'm human and I do like to see my page statistics increasing, I don't think I could sustain blogging if I tried to please other people too much.
Thanks Shelley, it's good to hear how others go about their blogging.
Kylie 🙂
I do try to use some of the geneabloggers themes as motivation when I have some time to write a blog post. I often think ahead a few days and write a post and save it as a draft.
Thanks Aillin I think I'm going to have to look at a theme a few days ahead, eg on Tuesday look at doing Wednesday or Thursday's theme.
Kylie 🙂
I rarely do themes, even the ones I wrote, such as 52 Weeks of Personal History. How sad is that?
On my blog, I mostly write about what interests me, though the tone of my blog is conversational. Sometimes I ask questions of my readers just like you did here.
I don't worry much about content. I write about what I like and the rest just falls into place.
Hi Amy
I've only read a little of your blog but I have yet to see anything controversial. 🙂
It's reassuring to hear that most people simply write about what interests them, I can do that no problems.
Kylie 🙂
Though I may occasionally be controversial, the word I used to describe my blog was "conversational." I just meant that I write like a talk, not very formally. 🙂
Amy I'm so sorry I can't believe I misread that!! I read it more than once too. Yes your blog has a lovely 'conversational' feel to it.
Kylie 🙂