I thought I would write a bit about what I’m doing during this isolation time. I am self-isolating at home because I have pre-existing health conditions which put me at risk if I were to contract the Corona Virus.
I love crafts and have several on the go at the moment. I’m crocheting large and colourful pieces to yarn bomb the tree in my front yard. I’ll do another post with pictures when it is finished.
I’m doing some cross stitch along with many others as part of the Stitch and Resist project.
“Through the act of craftivism we hope to
make connections and community
make political statements
make important cultural objects
make a difference
and make change“
I’ve also been doing some traditional wet felt making.
I’m not sure yet but I may try and make something which incorporates all three of these crafts. If it happens I will post photos.
Facebook, genealogy, my grandchildren and my pets are also keeping me occupied during this time. What are you doing to fill the hours?