I use both Ancestry and Find My Past because they use different search algorithms so that what you can’t find on one site you may find on the other and they also have some unique data sets too.
My Find My Past subscription is due so I checked the subscription prices for findmypast.com.au, findmypast.com and findmypast.co.uk. Here are the results for a twelve month worldwide subscription.
£129.50 converts to AU $223.28
US $59.99 converts to AU $64.11 (and a small currency conversion fee depending on how you pay the sub)
For the last two years it has been cheaper to buy the FindMyPast.com twelve month world subscription. I’m really not sure why there is such a price difference. Does anyone have any ideas? I hope this helps others to make the choice between the subscriptions available.
Thanks for this comment from Judy Webster, “I don’t know the answer to your question, but… anyone who is undecided about FindMyPast may be interested to know that they can get 50% off a one-month ‘Britain subscription’ (£5 instead of the usual £9.95) if they join during September 2014. The link for this offer is on the Discounts and Freebies page at www.judywebster.com.au/specials.html