What did Hazor Humphrey Bodger, my 3x great uncle, say to the judges at the Strathalbyn Show on March 4 1869? Hazor was a farmer in McHarg’s Creek, South Australia, and from newspaper advertisements and articles I can see that he was breeding and showing draught horses in South Australia for a number of years.

A description of the show and underneath Hazor’s prize win.
1869 ‘THE STRATHALBYN SHOW.’, Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 – 1904), 6 March, p. 6, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article158936062
On March 4 one of Hazor’s horses came second to that of Mr. W. Rankine. Now the Rankine name is very well known in Strathalbyn as the town was founded by two Rankine brothers William and John. I have been unable to ascertain if this is William Rankine the said co-founder or another Rankine however, I feel sure the Mr. W. Rankine listed here if not the man himself is a member of said family. Did Hazor suspect favoritism or was it simply that he could have charged a higher price for his stallion’s services had he won the competition.

Apology Requested
1869 ‘THE WEEK’S NEWS.’, Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 – 1904), 20 March, p. 5, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article158936290
I don’t know what Hazor said but the Secretary of the Strathalbyn Agricultural Society was requested to write to him. He was informed that unless he apologised to the Committee for his conduct towards the Judges at the last show, he would not be allowed to exhibit there again. I’m guessing he used some fairly strong language.
There are no further newspaper articles showing Hazor entering horses in the Strathalbyn Show again, that I have found, so I don’t know if he gave the apology or not. He later moved to Victoria and entered horses in shows in Victoria and south eastern South Australia and unfortunately died when he was thrown from a horse at only 52 years of age in 1879.

1879 ‘ITEMS BY CABLE.’, The Narracoorte Herald (SA : 1875 – 1954), 11 November, p. 2, viewed 25 May, 2015, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article146442946