The Man On The Horse

This video is about George Henry Goodall who was a South Australian soldier and modelled for the Boer War Memorial statue on North Terrace in Adelaide. I’m not directly related to George but there is a connection with my family and that’s how I came across the story.

I made this video because I like making videos and also because I couldn’t find any others of its type on Youtube. I’d like to make some more and perhaps I’ll do some on the Burings, H Buring & Sobels winery, Leo Buring or my g g grandfather Rudolph Buring the Adelaide tobacconist. There are lots of other great stories I’m uncovering in my research so I have plenty of material.

Please give me feedback on the video. I haven’t uploaded it to youtube yet because I want to see what people think and make any adjustments necessary. I’ve purposely kept it short and only put in a small amount of information so what I want to know is, is it enough information?

The Profits Of Man

This is a poem from a play I wrote several years ago.

The Profits Of Man

For what shall it profit a man,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?

What are our priorities?
Are they money, jobs and looking good?
Are they working long hours and getting ahead?
Where are we going?
Do we just end up dead?

For what shall it profit a man,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?

What are our priorities?
Friends? Family? Both are good.
But are they enough?
Is it caring for the environment?
World peace? An end to hunger?
Will they bring fulfillment?

For what shall it profit a man,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?

Making Progress With Family Tree

I’m really happy with the progress I’m making in researching our family!!! Now that I’m living in Adelaide I have much greater access to research resources and the actual locations where family members lived and worked. Last weekend I went to the West Terrace Cemetery in Adelaide and found a number of family graves, then I went to the Sisters of St Joseph convent and visited the chapel and saw the Sister’s housing which A A Elisabeth Buring (Sister Carolus) would’ve lived in. It was lovely and inspiring to see the work of Mary MacKillop, the beginnings of social work in Adelaide.

Today I’m going to the SA Genealogical Society!! Fun!!