Girl About Town

I went to the footy last night Norwood v Port. For those overseas this is Aussie Rules football in the South Australian League. During quarter and half time kids and adults flock onto the oval to kick a footy around (in picture). It was a good game, close at times so exciting and enjoyable. Norwood (my team) won!! It was a good, very cheap night out. $3 ticket to get in and $4 for some hot chips (fries). I think it’s funny that it cost more for some hot food than it cost to get in the gate 🙂

Today I’m meeting up with a group of OLPC enthusiasts who’re working on the XO. I’m not a hacker but I can teach and write so I want to make my contribution that way.

Living in Adelaide is great because there’s so much more I can do!! Not just entertainment but being part of these groups.

This afternoon or tomorrow I’m going to an Easter Art and Craft Fair with traditional Russian food, crafts and displays!! There’s more info about it here: What’s On in Adelaide has a big list of what’s on. There are sooooo many things on it’s hard to choose. There’s an international kite festival at Semaphore but I won’t be able to get to it but it would be great to go to. I love kites.

Teen Challenge Chapel on Sunday arvo!! I’m really looking forward to it. It’s great each week, inspired worship and word. Good, solid, practical teaching! Since I’ve been going there’s been something helpful and relevant to me and my situation each time.

There’s Earth Hour 8:30pm tonight. It’s about turning your lights off for one hour to ‘vote earth’ by raising awareness. I’ve got plenty of candles because I collect different candles and candlesticks and candle holders and I make candles too. I’ll probably take photos and may blog or facebook too. If I’d been more prepared I could’ve had a party oh well maybe next year.

There are many more things on but I think I’ll keep it to this for now 🙂

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