This is fairly typical of my desk, I have a hat on a bust which I’m working on as well as my sewing machine and my computer. The sewing machine is too heavy to lift up and down off my desk so at the moment it can stay where it is. I like to swap between projects. I might go from writing my blog, to sewing, to researching my family tree, to crochet, to designing my brother’s new website and more. It helps keep me interested and motivated to keep going on these projects.
I’ve put the hat aside at the moment to look at the ephemera I’m adding to it and see which things work and which don’t. It is a plain crocheted beret to which I’ve added needle felting, a piece of an old crocheted doily, a button and some coloured threads to represent stitching in those colours.
This is the machine I learnt to sew on when I was a little girl. It was my Grandma’s and then my Mum’s. It’s great to sew with, very reliable and easy to use!! It takes a bit of getting used to using the hand crank again instead of a foot pedal.
Love your sewing machine Kylie, hat looks good too. I also have several things on the go – cards, scrapbooking, gardening, FH, quilting – wonder what people do with no hobbies to fill their days??
Sorry Ros I only just saw your message. Not sure why I didn’t get a notification email. I would be in the funny farm if I didn’t have my hobbies!!