Christmas carols would have to be my most favourite music genre! I have so many memories tied up with them. Mum’s played our piano ever since I can remember. I used to sit on the floor, next to her feet, with my ear pressed up against the piano, it was the best spot to be! We had big family Christmas gatherings at our house, in Flaxley, (South Australia) when I was growing up. All the aunties, uncles and cousins would come. A barbie for lunch, Dad would mow a strip in the paddock for cricket in the afternoon and a good sing song around the piano later in the day.
Mum is an avid singer, belonging to several choirs over the years. I loved going to concerts as a child and I still love them now. This one, with the Mt Lofty Singers, was just the other day.
One of the ‘coming of age’ events that I looked forward to was being old enough to attend our local youth group. Each year the youth group would pile onto the back of Mr Downing’s truck and travel around the countryside, and towns, stopping to sing carols for the people. Some families would organise a party that night and invite their neighbours, the carol singing was the entertainment. We travelled quite a way on those nights. Starting in Flaxley (South Australia) we would go to Mt Barker and visit the Aged Care facilities, sometimes to Hahndorf Aged Care, back through Flaxley to Macclesfield and Greenhills stopping all along the way. Though the numbers dwindled a bit in later years the enthusiasm never did, to me it was always the highlight of the year. I’m not sure when the final one was held as I moved away from the area at the start of 1987. It’s a real pity I don’t have any photos from those nights.
I’ve continued my love of Carol singing and playing my flute in church, at community gatherings and family ones too!
It is hard to pick a favorite carol. One year something may be a favorite…but then, maybe because it is overplayed, it becomes a backburner song. Ave Maria always moves my heart though.
Hi Theresa
I used to work in a town which played piped Christmas music through loudspeakers along the main street. One of the speakers was right outside my office window. I got very sick of the songs they played!!!
Kylie, I loved your description of your Christmas times at home in Australia. What I wouldn't give for a visit to your homeland. Your Mum is beautiful, by the way.
Thanks Judy, wow you write six blogs, I'll have to check them out.